
Snow after Memorial Day?

It’s the end of May. Have you noticed snow swirling in the air and starting to accumulate along the edges of roads?

Hooray, Douglas-fir cones are back!

Last year, did you notice an absence of new cones on Douglas-firs? The cones are back. Douglas squirrels can rejoice.

Which one is native to the Pacific Northwest?

Three of these might be found on your dinner table. The other is a native tree of the Pacific Northwest. Which are which?

The wonder of big trees

Old-growth forests, at least in large swaths, are nearly gone from the Pacific NW. To even try to restore old-growth forests will take hundreds of years of careful stewardship. But small tracts of old-growth and individual big trees occur sporadically throughout the Pacific NW, especially in parks. Have you seen a big tree? Do you know where to look? Prepare to be awed!