populus trichocarpa

How do trees avoid incest?

Aaa-choo! With all that pollen wafting around, how do trees minimize self-pollination? It’s not like a tree can choose its mate …

Forest economics: Why are fallen alder leaves still green?

Most of the leaves on the ground are brown, yellow, or other fall colors. Why are many alder leaves still green?

Snow after Memorial Day?

It’s the end of May. Have you noticed snow swirling in the air and starting to accumulate along the edges of roads?

Why do leaves change color in the fall and drop off?

Let’s gain an understanding of what happens to deciduous trees in the fall.

After Snowpocalypse, how are the trees doing?

Here in the Pacific NW, we had an uncommonly cold and snowy February. Did this affect the new buds on trees and shrubs?

It's snowing ... fluffy seeds of black cottonwood!

What is that "snow" drifting through the air? It's the fluffy seeds of black cottonwood.