Cliff Cantor May 4, 2021 How do trees avoid incest? Cliff Cantor May 4, 2021 Aaa-choo! With all that pollen wafting around, how do trees minimize self-pollination? It’s not like a tree can choose its mate …
Cliff Cantor May 15, 2017 Why do cones tend to grow near the tops of conifer trees? Cliff Cantor May 15, 2017 As a rule-of-thumb, most seed cones (female cones) tend to grow in the upper portions of trees. Why is this?
Cliff Cantor April 25, 2017 What are female cones and male cones? Cliff Cantor April 25, 2017 What are seed cones? What are pollen cones? Are they different? Learn about cones here.